On behalf of St. Joseph Mission School I would like to thank each and everyone of you who participated from afar through our online platform and those who attended our wonderful event this past Saturday evening. It was a tremendous success. We were able to raise close to $50,000. Our best ever!
Our 12th Annual Gala will be on September 17, 2022 from 5:00 to 8:00 pm (MST). You are invited to St. Joseph's 12th Annual Gala Under the Stars. Your support will will provide inspiration to all those who work in providing quality Catholic education for the communities of Acoma, Laguna and the surrounding villages of San Fidel. M'tucci will provide our wonderful dinner with Jaramillo Vineyards. There will be a live and silent auction. To purchase tickets, view auction items and more information please go to: St.Joseph22.givesmart.com Text: StJoseph22 to 76278 or call 505-552-6362. For virtual attendees: Thank you for your support to our school, through this format you are available to participate in our event from the comfort of your own home, enjoying some delicious wine and viewing our pre-recorded material. You are also able to bid during our live auction, with amazing items such as original art prints and authentic pottery. For each item bought that requires mailing please be aware we are including a surcharge of $25.00, this will assist us in the cost of shipping.
Please visit St.Joseph22.givesmart.com for pre-recorded material and to view auction items, and donation opportunities. Hello and Happy Beginning of the School Year,
We excitedly welcome students, staff and families to ring in the 2022 - 2023 school year! The school observed class closure during the month of July, after holding our first summer program in June. We return with much fervor and hope. In the school we specialize in preparing for a future beyond our current day - this is why we established the Environment as one of our school pillars; on the first of September we join in prayer with our Church during the Season of Creation, to "listen to the voice of creation” which may foster in everyone “a concrete commitment to care for our common home.” Link to learn more about the Season of Creation. In this newsletter you will find a prayer meditation, favorable impacts from the months of April and May, and encountering our Notre Dame community. |
St. Joseph School
March 2024