Raffle to Help Our Middle School Students
Notre Dame Pilgrimage
Raffle! Raffle! Raffle! Every year St. Joseph Middle School plans a trip to visit the University of Notre Dame to experience the possibilities of one day having our students attend. As many of you know we are affiliated with the University through our membership in the American Indian Catholic School Network. Last year’s students were able to purchase a Notre Dame football jersey. The jersey was left in the care of Fr. Nate Wills, CSC, chaplain for the team. Fr. Nate had all the players along with their coach Marcus Freeman sign the jersey. The Notre Dame Football team against all odds won both the Sugar and Citrus Bowls and will next contend for the National Championship on January 20, 2025. It is this same spirit that we ask of our own students. They are now raffling this championship jersey to raise funds for their upcoming pilgrimage/trip. Here is your chance to have a piece of Collegiate Football history and to support our students to visit the University of Notre Dame in April. Raffle will be held on the final day of Catholic Schools Week, on January 31, 2025. We will go LIVE on our Facebook page for the drawing. |
$10.00 per entry!!! |
Keep The Bell Ringing 2024 |
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Since 1923, St. Joseph Mission School shares the gospel of hope through Faith, Academics, Culture, Environment, and Service. Through our Catholic Faith and local traditions we strive to encourage the love of learning, with respect and dignity for all, and help students develop their skills to become courageous in our local communities and beyond.
The purpose of St. Joseph Mission School is to bring the message of Jesus to all peoples. "To love each other as he loves us". This core message is lived out in the daily activities and life of the school, especially in the practice and instruction of our faith.
Specifically, we do this in the following practices:
FAITH "Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words."
- Francis of Assisi |
ACADEMICS"Tell me & I forget, Teach me & I may remember. Involve me & I learn.”
- Benjamin Franklin |
The goal of St. Joseph Mission School is to form individuals that are life-long learners and who demonstrate responsibility for his or her learning. This begins with the primary grades and creating basic skills in reading, writing and arithmetic. Once the love of learning has been created, each student is directed to solve problems through critical thinking in order to explain the strategies used. Specifically, St. Joseph's implements this process through the following activities:
St. Joseph Mission School has been part of a rich cultural heritage for the past 91 years. The combined traditions of Acoma, Laguna, Hispanic, Basque, German, Lebanese and Anglo are reflected in the diversity of our historical school. The gift of our different traditions helps us to see the face of God in each other and in turn unites us in values we hold to sacred in our Creator and His Son Jesus. We support the cultures of our area by the following activities:
CULTURE"The cross-cultural nature of the Catholic Church and the duty of Catholics to work toward cultural harmony suggests that Catholic educational leaders should make every effort to increase cultural awareness."
- Vatican II |
ENVIRONMENT"Nurturing and cherishing creation is a command God gives not only at the beginning of history, but to each of us. It is part of his plan; it means causing the world to grow responsibly, transforming it so that it may be a garden, a habitable place for everyone.”
- Pope Francis |
In the teachings of St. Francis of Assisi we are called to know God through his creation. Francis called all living things his brother and sister as found n the Canticle of the Sun. At St. Joseph we strive to learn how we are connected to the environment. Specifically we do this through the following activities:
The children of St. Joseph School come to learn that how we mature as young people depends how we are able to serve others. Service demonstrates to the world community that we can make a difference in the lives of other people and nature, which in turns builds self-confidence that is necessary for maturity. Service leads our children into leadership on all levels of society. We teach that service begins:
SERVICE"Christ leads us to go out from ourselves more and more, to give ourselves and to serve others."
-Pope Francis |
Important Links
+ FNS Nondiscrimination Statement: www.fns.usda.gov/civil-rights/usda-nondiscrimination-statement-other-fns-programs
+ FNS Nondiscrimination Statement (SPANISH VERSION): www.fns.usda.gov/es/civil-rights/usda-nondiscrimination-statement-other-fns-programs
+ LEP/ADA (Accessibility Assistance): fns-tagline-translations-022724.pdf
+ FNS Nondiscrimination Statement (SPANISH VERSION): www.fns.usda.gov/es/civil-rights/usda-nondiscrimination-statement-other-fns-programs
+ LEP/ADA (Accessibility Assistance): fns-tagline-translations-022724.pdf